Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Discussion - Remembering the Internal Stakeholders

Discussion - Remembering the Internal Stakeholders

Q During a crisis, it is important to remember the internal stakeholders of the organization. Read about the two examples (Penn State and Exeter Hospital) and describe the impact on different internal stakeholder audiences. As a student or potential student of Penn State, what reaction would you have had? Would you communicate your response? Why or why not? If you were senior management at Exeter Hospital, how would you approach communicating the situation to stakeholders?

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If I had been a senior management at the Exeter Hospital, I first concern would have been to maintain transparency with the stakeholders. It is my understanding that says that every organizational authority and management is accountable in maintaining transparency through proper and constant communication with the stakeholders and thus I would have communicated with them regarding the situation to the stakeholders and would like to ask them for their suggestions and give them an open discussion forum.